Services to Schools

Educational Psychology Services

Schools and parents typically seek Educational Psychology advice when they are worried about the child’s progress with learning, behaviour or general well-being.  I can offer the following services to help overcome barriers to learning and promote development and emotional well-being.

Individual Psychological Assessments

  • Developmental assessments of pre-school children
  • Literacy or numeracy difficulties  in school, college or university (Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and other  learning needs.)
  • Cognitive skills (Learning difficulties, language skills, working memory, processing skills, thinking and reasoning)
  • Social, Emotional and Behavioural needs (Self esteem, friendships, teasing/ bullying) and how these affect behaviour and learning
  • Issues regarding Transition from one school to another or to College or work.
  • Autistic Spectrum Conditions/Disorders (ASC/D and Aspergers), management and interventions
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD), advice and management
  • Adjusting and coping with physical or sensory impairment

Analysis, Joint Problem Solving and Planning the Intervention.

  • Meetings with parents, school staff and other professionals to analyse information and to determine the barriers to making progress
  • Joint problem solving to agree strategies to overcome barriers to learning, using the EP’s advice on interventions
  • Review and determination of next steps to maintain progress.

Psychological report or record of School Visit

  • Background information gathered from parents and other professionals
  • Detail of psychological and attainment assessments undertaken
  • Discussion of findings and problem analysis
  • Advice and recommendations of strategies based on Joint Problem Solving with Parents and Professionals.
  • Advice on Access Arrangements for examinations.